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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Workshop / Classes

Venue: UITM, Shah Alam
Date: 13th March, 2010
Thank you to:
Fakulty: MASSCOM
Editor: Anizon
Cosmetic: Dr Siti Sara Ibrim Ibrahim & Axfar Hanis from Farmasi Cosmetic Colours

Alhamdulillah.. kali ni diberi peluang sekali lagi to give grooming workshop to MASSCOM students from UITM, Shah Alam. Pengalaman baru yang sukar di lupakan, lebih kurang macam pensyarah U lak aku ni.. hehe.. Students ni semua very happening & friendly.. banyak juga soalan from them. Semua begitu berminat when come to this topic.. I hope they will success in what ever they do..

Venue: Sg Buloh
Event: Private tutoring
1st attempt private tutoring basic makeup at my friend's place.
Bai nakkan makeup yang natural..

Venue: Pan Pacific, KL
Event: Maybank Hi-Tea

Ita before & after

Rima before & after

Anis Magazine December 2009

"Note: front cover not my creation"

Photo shoot Makeup for Anis Magazine
Makeup: AnnaJoe
Model: Nur Izzah & Zulfah
Location: Puan Nurul Ain, Sg Buloh
Photographer: Norhashimah Abd Rahman & Anis Suhaili Rosenan
Attire: Sumayya Collection(Hijab, Blouse & Pants)
*Sorry cant reveal models picture before makeup due to privacy"

Mira & Farah Dyana
Event: Dinner Makeup
Location: Dewan Tun Raha KL

UiTM Puncak Alam, Selangor -
Bengkel Persediaaan Ke Alam Kerjaya
Cosmetic sponsored by: Farmasi Colour Cosmetis,
(Thank you to Dr Siti Sara)
Makeup: Annjoe(Nurin Makeover Crew)

Makeup by: AnnaJoe, Shikin & June (Team Nurin Makeover)

Pencarian Covergirl Nur/ 2009/2010

Nurin & me with the winners Covergirl Nur/ last year 2008/2009.
This event was held in MaTrade Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur. I'm so grateful to Nurin (my "sifu") had brought me here n got to meet other makeup artists from karangkraf.

"Hani" one of the finalist contestants for
Makeup done by Nurin

Location: Gombak

Location: Nurin's Studio Segambut Off Jln Duta
Makeup for Akad Nikah

Location: Gelugor Penang
Event: EID 09
working in progress

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